Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Treatment Day Three....and Ike

Treatment is going well. I am amazed at the pain relief I get from the machine. Although last night was a bad night with muscle spasticity. Another one of those nights where, frankly, I just laid on the bed and prayed for relief. Thankfully, they passed, as they always do. The most pressing issue now is Ike. He can't seem to make up his mind exactly where he's landing or how strong he's going to be. When Christi was going to take a direct hit, no question, we were outta here. Now it looks like he may hit further east up the coast, in that case we'll be hanging around and actually staying longer so I can finish a week of treatment before heading home. So, we'll see. We'll either be on a flight home tomorrow evening (IF we can get one) or next week. I've enjoyed the "quiet" time with my husband though. I have to be honest, I am more amazed (in a POSITIVE way) by the man I am married to each and every day, and VERY thankful! He has been so incredibly supportive and right there with me through all of this. Heck, we may even be riding out a hurricane together in the next few days. Good thing we're such a great pair!

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